YOGA RELIEF – El arte de la meditación activa
Amar todo sin juzgar. Welcome to our SELF LOVE CLUB. La conciencia elevada, con la mente abierta y café que abraza el alma. YOGA RELIEF.

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YOGA RELIEF:  El arte de la meditación activa- Yoga y Brunch de bienestar.

Evento: 8h30 a 10h30 – llegar 15 minutos antes para el checkin.

  • Incluye:
    • Clase de Yoga. Enfocada en el bienestar del ser humano mediante la meditación activa.
    • Brunch:
      • FIZZ de Amaranto.
      • To drink: 1 Bebida caliente o fría con o sin café a elección.
      • Foddie: Elige tu foodie favorito.
      • –  Waffle de Yuca.
      • –  Foccacia.
      • –  Açai bowl.
      • –  Big Breakfast Sandwich.
  • Fecha: Sáb 20 de Julio del 2024.
  • Lugar: COFFEE RELIEF (Boyacá N4-01 y Pasaje Santa Ana – Tumbaco)
  • Valor: USD $25.
  • Traer: yoga mat y usar ropa cómoda. *** Si no cuentas con un yoga mat, nosotros conseguimos algo para tí.

– Conoce productos de Shakti Elements y más.

En COFFEE RELIEF nuestro propósito es compartir prosperidad; donde el café de especialidad es nuestra oportunidad. Lo hacemos enfocados en el bienestar del ser humano. 

– Cupo limitados- Solo se confirma el cupo con el pago.




Find all the information about the coffee farmer, roasting and detail in processing the coffee. Roasting date: 14 AUG 2024.


Meet Sixto Pozo, from Carchi. He is the II Generation in his family running the Coffee Farm. His dream is to showcase coffee from Carchi Internationally.

Share Prosperity

By sharing knowledge with Sixto, we help him and his community to get the best profiling of his coffee. We roast samples and cup the coffee together.

We are happy to share Sixto's story.




Find all the information about the coffee farmer, roasting and detail in processing the coffee. Roasting date: 14 AUG 2024.


Segundo Quilca , from Tulcan. He is part of the program Cafe de las Montañas. This time his coffee was presented to us by his friend and collegues from Carchi.

Share Prosperity

By sharing knowledge with Segundo, Sixto's collegue , we help him and his community to get the best profiling of his coffee. We roast samples and cup the coffee together. For coffee farmers, it is not always easy yo come to the city. Therefore they send their coffee samples with their friends.

We are happy to share their story.